About The Hosts

Alex Smith – 

My Factions –

Kurt J Hanson – 

My Factions –

Mike Chomyk –

My Factions –

Nik Topham – 

My Factions – Blindwater Congregation, Cryx,  Cygnar,  Trollbloods

I’ve been playing Warmachine and Hordes since September 2010. My first foray into the world of tournament WarmaHordes came very quickly with my local venue hosting FQD. Ever since then I’ve been hooked. In the past 12 months I believe myself to have become a competant player which was backed by my first Masters Appearence seeing me reach the end of Day 1 before taking a defeat at the hands of Previous Master and a good freind, Martyn Jenkins.

Before Warmachine and Hordes I was a TCG player playing Yu-Gi-Oh at a UK Top 16  level before joining the WoW:TCG community and repeating my claims to top teirdom. Unfortunately these upbringings have ingrained a stubborn streak in me whereby I will try many different combo’s whether they have been written off as unplayable or not, just to find the advantage of the unknown against my opponent.

My Local Club is the Dudley Darklords  (Not overly local being 2 hours of travelling time away due to using public transport) where my regular gaming accomplices in John Stamford, Tim Martin and the UK’s #1 Menoth Player Dave Payton throw down.

Unfortunately I’m a heavy sufferer of Faction ADHD, and will often jump to try a new faction, jsut to see what its like on the other side of the table. At the moment I could not tell you what my main faction is having finally recently moved on from my Cygnar after a year complaining about there worth.

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