Monthly Archives: August 2015

Episode 61 – The ETC and Gaspy 3

Elite Cadre Episode 61 – The ETC and Gaspy 3

Hello boys and girls, welcome to another fantrabulous edition of the award winning* podcast Elite Cadre, bastion of fact**, science***, and competition****.

This month we talk with one of the UK’s nicest Warmachine players Matt Townsend, discussing the ETC, tournaments in general, and finally his undying love for Gaspy 3.

*: Bronze Swimming Certificate, 10m
**: Contains no actual fact
***: Contains trace amounts of science
****: Contains about as much competition as your average ITV quiz question. I mean, seriously…

“What do most people keep their money in”

A: A fish tank.
B: The Bank
C: The Oven.

was a genuine question…

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Elite Cadre – Episode 61

Elite Cadre Ep61 questions

We’ll be livestreaming from 9pm-12am (BST) this evening. We’re planning to have a chat about any news since the last episode, and also the Warmachine ETC. Livestream available at Youtube or some indecipherable google link.

Any questions or comments for us to answer on the show post them on our facebook, twitter, or the appropriate Reddit thread and we’ll see what we can talk about.