Monthly Archives: May 2015

Episode 59 Livestream

Just to let you all know we’ll be going live 9pm-12pm BST next Wednesday, in the meantime feel free to send us any topics you want us to discuss over basically any form of thing we have an account on and we’ll try to say something.

You’ll be able to watch it at and from a google link I’ll try to remember to post here before broadcasting.

Topics so far include:
Welsh Masters
Star Wars RPG
“Faction Switching for the Overly Invested”

If you want to comment then leave us a message on Facebook, Twitter, our blog, or by email.

Episode 58 – Just the Two of Us Again

No Alex this week and some…audio oddities. Anyway, I’ve given it a shot but the audio quality is more like a 1970s world cup commentary from Mexico than anything. Anyway, Kurt and myself talk about your email/twitter/facebook questions.

Download now for all this and so much more as we meander through nigh on 2 hours of utter twaddle that’s at least vaguely gaming related.

As always questions or comments are welcome, and the next recording will be on April 14th

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Elite Cadre – Episode 58