Monthly Archives: March 2015

Rough Cut: Episode 57

For anyone who missed out livestream last night (9pm GMT, third Wednesday of the month), you can relive it with the full unexpurgated version (as well as our previous google hangout recorded episodes) available at  Now, obviously this will get turned into a proper episode eventually, but if you REALLY need your fix it’s there!


As usual any questions or comments to, our @Elite_Cadre account on twitter, or to

March 18th Recording

Just a reminder we’ll be recording from around 9pm GMT on the 18th, and you can listen live here:

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or just about anything else then feel free to comment here, or email us at, or send us a message on twitter: @elite_cadre, @MrChom, @kurtjhanson, or even @khadorred.

Episode 56 – SmogCon Again

And we’re back! Yes, sir, your actual genuine bona fide 100% brand new content from the master navel gazers themselves Elite Cadre. This week we talk, yet again, with the inimitable Jon Webb about his never-ending quest to keep the European convention scene firmly in the grasp of his many tentacles.

That got creepier than I intended….oh well.

Anyway, have some links!

Elite Cadre Blog:
Elite Cadre RSS:
Elite Cadre iTunes:

Follow us on Twitter –
Elite Cadre Twitter List
or email us at
Elite Cadre – Episode 54