Clearly as a person of superior taste you listen to or follow Elite Cadre and as such we’re working with to bring you something exciting and new. Firstly we want you to tweet the following on
I just entered a competition to win a piece of @terraingeek terrain with @Elite_Cadre! Find out more here:
See, we even made it less than 140 characters just for you to post. Second you need to follow both the show’s account at and Terrain Geek at then thirdly just wait! As long as you’re still following both on May 31st at midnight BST (That’s GMT +1) then you will be entered into our GRAND PRIZE DRAW for a piece of of Terrain Geek terrain. Look how good we are to you.
If you’re not a member of twitter (and why not, it’s where all the cool people are…and some loonies too I suppose) then simply head to and get yourself signed up we even have a hand-dandy list of the show’s hosts to get you started following people at
1. The contest is open worldwide, terrain to be posted by Terrain Geek. Neither Terrain Geek nor Elite Cadre are responsible for any costs incurred after the item has been posted.
2. Neither Elite Cadre nor Terrain Geek are responsible for any error in the address the scenery is sent to, and the recipient is responsible for ensuring it is received/collected from local postal services.
3. One entry per person.
4. Closing Date of May 31st 11:59pm. Entries received after this will be accepted only at the discretion of both Elite Cadre and Terrain Geek
5. The random draw will take place June 1st. Elite Cadre and Terrain Geek remain final arbiters of this result.
6. Prize will be one piece of Terrain Geek terrain chosen at the discretion of Terrain Geek, no cash alternative will be provided.
7. Elite Cadre and Terrain Geek reserve the right to exclude any entry from the draw at their own discretion.