Monthly Archives: September 2011

Episode 2 – Interruptions

Welcome back to our second installment of Elite Cadre, the podcast that grants you gunfighter.
This week we discuss how we performed at Tim Martin and Jamie P’s Fun Quick and Dirty event.
Kurt gives us some impressions of how to (and more importantly not to) play unbound.
We discuss Grim Angus in our latest spelling it out.
And much news as we could find!

Ladies and Gentleman, we hope you enjoy our motley fools!

News Links :-
Hordes Back Cover
Plastic Dire Troll
Plastic MoW
Alex’s Charity Event
Kira’s Gnarlhorn

Tournament Links :-
Midlands Food Machine
Chorley Golden Troll
Iron Haven’s Iron King

I hope you enjoy our episode.

Follow us on Twitter –
Elite Cadre Twitter List
or email us at
Elite Cadre – Episode 2

Episode 1 – Introductions

Episode one is here.

On this episode we discuss our gaming bios, The Domination book art preview including the
Celestial Fulcrum, the new studio painted Man-o-war Bombadiers, Mike’s Ashlynn conversion, pIrusk and generally have some fun.

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or email us at
Elite Cadre – Episode 1